Thursday, February 11, 2010

Martin Luther King, Jr. and David

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life...and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."

Living Deliberately...that is where I want to be. I don't want to be dragged behind the calendar, constantly trying to catch up to the events around me. So busy with the unimportant or mundane things that the important and impressive things pass me by.

I have never kept a spiritual journal. I've been thinking about that lately. It is very easy for me to document events. Dates and times, what I see, what happened on our family calendar. But I always somehow separate that from what I am feeling. From my beliefs, my inner thoughts. From acknowledging my Savior in every miracle around me, for they certainly are unending and brilliant. I think that I do hold those thoughts and feelings close to me and don't share, partly because they are so important to me that if someone told me they were wrong or not that special after all, I would be crushed.

What spiritual things have happened to me lately? Sometimes they don't seem spiritual at all, but they are indeed the Holy Ghost touching my soul, reminding me that the Lord is close and knows me and understands me well.

MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. Today at school (I tutor at an elementary school) I picked up a book written by the sister of Martin Luther King, Jr. She talked about growing up with her little brother, and how their parents protected them from the inequality of the world they lived in. They learned from their dad to stand up for what is right and fair. The story pricked my heart, as it were, and I got teary-eyed. About the dream of equality and the impact her brother had on the world.

DAVID. David is 14 years old and he has scoliosis. He's been wearing a brace for almost a year now, and it hasn't helped. He's having surgery next month. Maybe we moved to this very old house, in this very cold place, where Frank is not all that excited about his we could be close to hospitals (Children's Hospital Boston) and universities (Harvard) with so many smart doctors, so David could get a needed surgery in good hands.

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately.

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