Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Seminary Practices 1-3: Prayer, Testimony, Journal

I just went to a seminary training meeting tonight.  It was so good, so full of great insights, that I need a little time to process it I think.  Our teacher talked about the temple quite a bit, and about the goals we have for our students this year.

3 practices he gave us, to get the students to incorporate into their lives:

Practice #1: Ask God for the Answers.  We each have the right and privilege to receive direct communication from the Lord.  He will teach us, if we can learn to receive it from Him.

Practice #2: Get Everybody to Say Something.  Having the kids bear their testimonies will actually help them discover parts of their testimonies that they didn't know they had.

Brigham Young said: "Many may think they haven't any testimony to bear, but get them to stand up and they will find the Lord will give them utterance to many truths they had not thought of before.  More people have obtained a testimony while standing up trying to bear it than down on their knees praying for it."

Practice #3: Record Your Questions, Answers, and Impressions.  This one emphasizes journals, and how if you get a prompting, you may lose it if you don't write it down.  The more you write your  promptings, the more God is willing to give you more, further light.

I'm still trying to figure out the best way to keep a journal.  Typing seems to be easier and more effective for me.  But will I remember what I've written?  It will be in chronological order, but maybe the Post Title should have more to do with what's in the journal entry.