Sunday, January 19, 2014

What Would Jesus Do?

Another Sunday has come, and I had the opportunity, once again, to partake of the Sacrament and "renew my covenants."  These would be the covenants I made when I entered the waters of baptism.  What, exactly, did I covenant to do when I was baptized?s

I said that I would mourn with those that mourn.  I would comfort those that stand in need of comfort.  That I would take upon myself the name of Jesus Christ.  That means I am willing to act as Jesus would act.  That since he is not physically here, right now, that I will act as he would act, in any given situation.

Well, how do I know how he would act? One lesson at church today focused on our Savior, Jesus Christ.  There is a saying that has come to be a little cliche, since you can find it on bumper stickers and t-shirts.  "WWJD?" is short for "What Would Jesus Do?"

If we take away the "cliche-ness" of the phrase, we can honestly ask ourselves if we actually know.  What WOULD Jesus do?  To find this out, I must consider the stories of his life and ministry, recorded in the Holy Scriptures.  Mostly in the New Testament.

Jesus acted in love. Always in love. He used caring, understanding words and actions, and showed people respect no matter who they were or what they had done.  He did not condone sins, but he loved the individuals and showed them there was always hope.  Hope for repentance, hope for forgiveness, hope for a brighter tomorrow.  When others were downtrodden and felt like their world was crumbling, Jesus offered a listening ear, and sorrowed with people. He gave all glory to our Heavenly Father and worked to bring people closer to him.

So when I take my own day, in January of 2014, and go about the daily tasks that need to happen, I should ask myself, "What Would Jesus Do?"  When Jesus was late for an appointment, and someone like my daughter asked him a question, he most likely would not snap at her and say "I don't have time for this."  He probably would look at her directly, and listen.  I suppose if he really needed to go, He would excuse himself with a loving promise to get back to her with an answer at a specific time in the near future.

Jesus did not drive in the first century A.D.  But if He were driving a car in January of 2014, and another driver pulled in front of him and made him slam on the brakes to avoid an accident, I think He would not lay on the horn for a full 15 seconds.  Maybe he would tap the horn, and pray that the other driver would stay alert and be aware of other cars he might encounter.

If I am consciously looking to act as I believe Jesus might act in this January of 2014, maybe I can also be aware of promptings that come to me from the Holy Ghost. I think that Jesus would act quickly when prompted to do something for somebody else.

What would Jesus do?  In a broad sense, I think I know.  But the more I study his life and ministry, the more I can steer my own actions to be like His.

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