Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Fasting and Prayer

David's spinal surgery has given us the opportunity to fast and pray as a family. As an extended family, and as a friend family.

The church congregation was asked to include David in their fast--we fast once a month in our church, for those in need of help or comfort, or for ourselves if we are going through challenging times. It was a little strange for me, to hear it announced in Sacrament Meeting now and again, that "David Whitesell is having back surgery, and if you would include him in your fasting and prayers..."

But it has never been hard for me to believe that our Heavenly Father hears our prayers. He knows each one of us, better than we know ourselves. There have been enough times in my life that I have felt comforted, and feelings of peace when I was very upset or agitated.

When my dad died of lung cancer 2 1/2 years ago, I focused on finding scriptures that included "Peace of God." For weeks, I studied those scriptures that had that phrase. It's amazing, how many beautiful passages there are in the scriptures, that tell us of the peace God can offer us in times of trial.

So I know that God hears our prayers. And maybe they can't be answered the way or in the time we want them to be answered. (My dad didn't live. That's what I wanted. He was only 70.) But if we can't have the answer we want, we can still have peace inside.

We asked our ward congregation to fast with us for David, that he would have a safe and successful surgery and as quick and complete of a recovery period as possible.

I also asked family members, living in different states. And we have good friends scattered around different places, too, that I asked to join with us in prayer and fasting.

Frank and our home teacher, Tom Keenan, also gave David a blessing the day before his surgery. It was really beautiful, and I am so thankful that Frank is worthy and willing to give our family members blessings when we need that strength and peace that comes from the Lord. Frank included in the blessing that Dr. Karlin's hands would be guided and that David's body would respond to the pain medication, helping him to heal. And that he would also be able to focus on school when he returned home, keeping up with the material while he was not attending school.

The friends and family we have who might not fast, offered their prayers for David. That is such a big deal. We appreciate that SO much, and it has touched my heart that people think so highly of David. We keep getting comments of encouragement, including "what a great kid," and "I love his smile."

It will be a long road to full recovery--they say 6 months. But one day at a time and with so many people's prayers and good wishes, we are feeling their love and the love of our Heavenly Father.

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately.

1 comment:

  1. Kari-

    I was going back through old posts on my blog and you had visited and left a message which I never responded to- I am sorry. I have read your blog a few times, and I love your attitude.

    Forgive me for not commenting before-
