Friday, February 3, 2012

In What Ways Can I Express My Faithfulness?

I can show my faith in Jesus Christ through my actions.  Every day, I make decisions on how to spend my time.  We are all given the same 24 hours in a day.  I can serve my family.  I can serve my sisters in the gospel.  I can serve my husband.  I can serve my neighbors.

I can show my faith in Jesus Christ with words.  I can talk about my belief in our Savior, and in the plan of Salvation.  I can support the prophet and align my life with the words of the prophets, both ancient and modern-day.  General Conference talks give us counsel from our prophets today.  Scriptures give us counsel from the prophets of ancient times.

I can do all the "Sunday School answer" things, not because in and of themselves they will bring me closer to our Savior, but by consistently practicing those things, I can position myself in a better place to receive the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

Pray.  I can pray in the morning and at night.  This is the ideal, but I don't do it.  I pray with the family at mealtimes (breakfast and dinner), and we have family prayer in the evening.  I pray more in my mind throughout the ongoing conversation, of thanks or concern as I am driving or on my way to other responsibilities.  I could improve in this area.

Fast.  This Sunday we plan to fast.  This should be thought out before the fact, so that our prayers can be more pointed and powerful during the fast.  We should think about Mary Lou this time.  We can fast and pray for her comfort and strength as she fights the cancer that has her bedridden at this time.

Read Scriptures.  I read scriptures with the family on a nightly basis, although lately it has been more like once a week.  We can get back into that habit.  Talking about the scriptures as we read them, and discussing our own understanding of the verses and events should help us enhance our individual understanding and interpretation of them.

Attend Sunday meetings.  Our regular attendance at church meetings on Sunday serves multiple purposes.  First and foremost, we can partake of the Sacrament.  This is a renewal of our commitment to the Lord, that we are willing to take upon us His name and live as a disciple of Christ.  That we will always remember Him, and try to be like Him.  The other reason to go to church each week is to feel the spirit of God.  To be buoyed up by other members who can lift us, or who might be in need of lifting.  We go to our meetings to "fill our buckets" to help us accomplish the week's responsibilities, and also to help fill the buckets of others in attendance.

Hold regular Family Home Evenings.  Another piece of counsel from our prophet.  This time together can help strengthen our family members.  They can learn gospel principles, strengthen testimonies, and also build relationships with other family members.  It gives us a chance to interact in a safe setting (our home) and learn together.